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Mike Veeck is husband to Libby. Father to Night Train and Rebecca. Son of Hall of Famer Bill Veeck.

Fun is Good guy. Friend of laughter, audiences, baseball, fans.

Minor League Baseball owner known for creative sales, marketing, and promotions. 

Disco Demolition Night Man. Former Major League Baseball executive.

Author. Keynote Speaker. Entrepreneur.

Featured in The Saint of Second Chances.”  2023 Netflix documentary by Tremolo Productions. 

Film Reviews
Netflix Trailer
Mike Veeck in the Media
Still Gratefully Loving Baseball and Fun

Mike Veeck Fun Is Good Philosophy

Are you looking for a Fun read? If so, you might try books authored by Mike Veeck. You can find new opportunities for laughing, and loving what you create in your business and career. Heck, if you’re lucky, you might even find some learning in there somewhere.

Embracing the Fun Is Good approach could mean more fulfilling and rewarding work. And having more Fun on the job means more Fun in your life. 

Additionally, by you creating more joy and passion, it can easily help others, too.

ESPN wrote a story titled, Mike Veeck: “The Funniest Man in Baseball is Having the Last Laugh.” 

 Perhaps you can enjoy the next laughs with Mike speaking at your event. Mike on the mic is Fun if not memorable. (And it’s clean). 

Everyone loves a good storyteller. It makes listening and laughter easy, doesn’t it? Mike Veeck speeches have humility. This means Mike loves sharing and laughing about his failures as much or more than success. It is a creative way to connect with audiences. Among his speaking engagements are Fun is Good seminars and workshops for small businesses and large corporations in all industries. 

Photo: Sports Illustrated Vault

In 2019 left Rebecca Veeck leaving behind her body because of Batten Disease. Join us in remembering or getting to know Rebecca.

Her legacy is more than being Libby and Mike Veeck’s daughter. Many people were blessed in crossing paths and touching hearts with her. How she died is not the point. Rather, how she lived as a Veeck, is what may be inspiring to you and your loved ones.

Mike Veeck NewsCenter

Promotion is Fun. And we take it seriously. That’s why this section of the website promotes all kinds of things, not just Veeck. We leave ego in the locker room hamper underneath the dirty socks and uniforms. 

We’ll share examples of Fun in baseball, other sports, entertainment, life, plus sales and marketing. Why? Because Fun is Good and seeing it in action can inspire good ideas for growing your career or business. 

But here you also get news on Mike’s media appearances, speeches, workshops, and seminars. And yes, we’ll share different angles in covering the Netflix documentary film, “The Saint of Second Chances.” 


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Sarah Hickey wrote a poem about Rebecca Veeck. It was done with love. Surely, you would not be the first to call …

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