You don’t see a book laying in rocks often. One might think it is a piece of crap book someone tossed. But looks are indeed deceiving. Granted, there is no title like it. “Another Boring Derivative Piece of Crap Business Book.” With the subtitle: “Make The First Basic Leap In Work in 100 Years, Laughing All The Way.” However, once you get though the long title and short but savvy content, you could be in for more surprises. Such as: – The title is titillating but untrue. There is no business book like this one by Mike Veeck and Allen Fahden. – You feel grateful having discovered this gem in a pile of rocks. – Hey, there really is something to that stuff, “Never Judge a Book by its Cover.”
Another Boring Derivative Piece of Crap Business Book Underview
There is no later, only sooner when reading this book. Obviously, you want to know early on you are not wasting your time and money on another piece of crap business book. You can tell immediately. Your key takeaway from reading this book is opening to a new way of thinking that has made millions. It just so happens as the book’s subtitle says you will be laughing all the way. Yes, you will see how easy it is to stop doing business the way you have because it’s always been done that way.
A Book Using Laughter for Learning
The chest-pounding CEO is missing from this book. So is the bragging, if not exaggerating about corporate accomplishments. That alone would make this Another Boring Derivative, Piece of Crap Business Book. Clearly, Mike Veeck and Allen Fahden are authors using Fun to teach. And they enjoy poking Fun at themselves in chapters such as: – “Think One Person Can’t Make a Difference? – I Killed Disco” – “English for Me is a Second Language – I Don’t Have a First” – “If You’re Worried About Covering Your Ass, Learn to Walk Backward” The chapters are as easy to read as they are enlightening. Each is just 4 pages long. So, you can quickly knock out one during any break in your busy schedule. Authors Mike Veeck and Allen Fahden.
Boring is banned by the authors and longtime friends in their task of teaching.
Another Boring Derivative, Piece of Crap Business Book offers a simple 3-step approach.
Go figure. Helping you succeed is as easy as 1-2-3.
Laugh – Learn – Leap.
Let’s be clear. The leaping is you opening to new ways of thinking and doing business which are Fun and have proof of making millions.