Patrick Reusse Column Second to None

Thank you Netflix. And thank you Star Tribune for today’s Patrick Reusse column.  Indeed, it was second to none. The expression of gratitude is justified because second chances are already in the air. This is surprisingly powerful since the Mike Veeck documentary, “The Saint of Second Chances” has not even started streaming on Netflix. You have to wait until next month for that.

patrick-reusse-columnistPatrick Reusse is something of an institution in Twin Cities media. For decades, the Minnesota native has delivered sports coverage every which way fans get it. If you picked up a newspaper, you got Patrick. First, it was the Pioneer Press. Following that, he has been a columnist for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. And he is good at it.

For those who don’t like to read the newspaper, they saw Patrick Reusse on TV and heard his voice on sports radio. His induction into the Minnesota Broadcasting Hall of Fame provides an idea of the quality of his work.

Today’s Patrick Reusse column was the ultimate class act.

He titled it, “With Mike Veeck and the St. Paul Saints, second chances are often first part of the story.” Now I dare not give away the gist of the compelling piece he wrote. It is surely worth a read. But it is safe to give you the back story of why today’s Patrick Reusse column was so classy.


Back in March, I did a post about Patrick’s column on the sale of the St. Paul Saints. I happened to be staying at the Veeck’s home while the telephone interview for the piece was conducted. To me, there was clearly more than an interview taking place. Of course, I heard Mike Veeck laughing. I expect nothing less. But there was also a conversation, and more importantly, I felt an attempted connection. It was like Patrick had turned a corner regarding negativity toward Mike. Days later, his column in the Star Tribune seemed to indicate just that.

Earlier this week, at the end of the phone interview for today’s Patrick Reusse column, he apologized to Mike Veeck saying it was long overdue. That in and of itself was impressive for multiple reasons. Media members tend to toss around apologies like they are sumo wrestlers. Perhaps you have noticed some of us men can be slow to apologize. And also, it was impressive because for anyone, overdue apologies can be significantly harder than instant ones.

Nonetheless, that private man-to-man recognition certainly would have been enough. However, Patrick refused to settle for a shortcut or easy way out.

Today, he voluntarily chose the harder road by printing an apology in the Star Tribune.

Since Patrick wrote his criticisms in the newspaper, he decided to make things right using the same platform. That is a standup guy. It is also a current example of the wisdom shared by another great writer, C.S. Lewis. He wrote, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”


Patrick Reusse and the Star Tribune intentionally acted with exquisite timing. Running this as Darryl Strawberry, Mike Veeck, Marv Goldklang, and Bill Murray are honored by the St. Paul Saints could not have been better. Patrick and the paper took the hard and high road when it was not necessary or on anyone’s GPS. Hopefully, they enjoy the view. Even better, now everyone can see it with them.

Given Mike Veeck no longer owns the St. Paul Saints, maybe Patrick Reusse can make something of his second chance at a relationship with Mike. If you would like to share your own kudos with Patrick, you can reach him here. Be sure to put his name in the subject line.