Patrick Reusse Rounds The Bases with Veeck

For years, it never happened. No one knew if it would. Patrick Reusse didn’t intentionally walk Mike Veeck to first base. He made him earn it.

And that was just fine.

It is natural for differences between those on sports teams and the working media covering them. If not natural, these kinds of relationships are at least commonly seen.

For decades, Mike Veeck has been known as one of the loudest mouths in St. Paul. Usually, it was  said in a Fun or positive way. But not always. Naturally.

Easily laughing at himself helps Mike greatly. So does experience. He understands being the son of a Hall of Fame baseball legend comes with a price. It can be steeper carrying the last name Veeck.  Reporters also render opinions of a guy widely celebrated across the Twin Cities for “Fun is Good.”

Meanwhile, Patrick Reusse has also been one of the loudest voices in Minnesota sports.

A Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist. Perhaps the most read by Twin Cities sports fans. He is also well known for many years as a popular sports talk radio host at KTSP. This meant two media outlets offered Patrick Reusse a voice for challenging Mike Veeck.

Just as Fun Is Good, change can be pretty darn good, too.

The magical 30-year run of the St. Paul Saints changed over time. The Reusse-Veeck relationship changed, too. Maybe Mike eventually won over the journalist. The passing of Rebecca Veeck was possibly another factor. Every journalist in town knew her place with the St. Paul Saints. Both of these men evolved. And perhaps time just did its thing. In any case, the bottom line is a happier ending.

Before seeing Patrick Reusse’s Star Tribune piece, there was the sound of laughter with Mike Veeck.

Staying with the Veecks this week, I had a front row seat for the telephone interview Patrick Reusse did for his piece. Walking from room to room as he answered questions, Mike was simply being Mike. You could hear laughter from any room in the house. The neighbors might be used to it by now.

The Patrick Reusse column in this Sunday edition of the Star Tribune is worth reading.

Patrick Reusse Rounds The Bases with Veeck

We will gladly make it easy for you. The piece is attached here.

Granted, the Star Tribune wrote an unorthodox headline. However, the beauty is perfectly fit like a glove for an unorthodox journey.

As President of the St. Paul Saints, Mike Veeck batted leadoff. However, the entire lineup enjoyed a wild and memorable ride with many baseball fans. Even better, the community as a whole also benefited greatly. In closing, it is cool to say, Patrick Reusse definitely recognized it.


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