Mike Veeck Website Leaps Online in a Single Bound 

Professional Baseball Sales and Marketing Legend Launches Mike Veeck Launches Website for Promoting his Work and Fun Is Good Products and Services 

St. Paul, Minnesota. September 5, 2022 – Back in the day, you could always find the Veeck family home phone number in the phone book. This was true even when his Dad owned major league baseball teams. That takes courage and patience. It easily gave baseball fans direct access. They must have felt obliged to take advantage of day and night because they surely did.

Today, Mike Veeck takes a huge leap from there. It is triumphantly onto the internet in announcing the launch of his first personal online home. The Mike Veeck website address is https://MikeVeeck.com.

These days, he continues the fan-friendly Fun promotions he has been known for creating for decades. In recent years, his focus has been on the St. Paul Saints, the Triple-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. He is an active owner of the club along with longtime partners, Marv Goldklang, and actor, Bill Murray.

“It’s funny my first website is just happening now,” says Veeck. “Our ballclubs all have websites, so I never worried about having my own. Besides, people in Asia had long held hostage Veeck-related domain names. I guess they actually like Veecks over there. Anyway, it was only recently when we found MikeVeeck.com available, did we decide on doing this.”

The Mike Veeck website is built in accordance with strict Fun Is Good specifications.

This means it doesn’t take Mike too seriously. And it doesn’t take much else too seriously either. Except of course, Fun.

The Mike Veeck website features information and delightful stories on him and his family. This includes including in-depth pages on the previous well-known generations in baseball named Veeck. There is Mike’s grandfather, William Veeck, Sr. He was a man with quite a career worthy of remembering and celebrating. However, he often gets forgotten because of his son and Mike’s father, Bill Veeck. Getting inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame tends to do that for a person.

The site also has sections on the books Mike Veeck has authored, as well as information on his speaking engagements, workshops, and the new opportunities.

Case in point is the new Mike Veeck documentary we are not permitted to even mention here.

Got it? You didn’t hear it from us. Nothing at all about a documentary movie on Mike Veeck. Mum is the word about it coming out in 2023. What? We don’t know anything about it.

However, it serves as proof to be on the lookout for potentially slippery when wet spots on the website. Some objects in your rear-view mirror may also be closer than they appear.

The site was designed and is being managed by Mike’s longtime friend, Thomas Baldrick.

“I wasn’t excited about having a website until I saw this for the first time,” admitted Veeck. “It’s fun. I’m proud of it. And I hope people will enjoy checking it out.”

And in case you were wondering, the guy didn’t forget where he came from just because there is now an official Mike Veeck website.

Not as bravely as a Veeck home number, the site features a phone number designed for those interested in speaking engagements and other services. The number is (602) Fun-6269.

Thank you kindly for your interest. For more information about the new Mike Veeck website, visit:

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